Whether it is to improve the credibility of their enterprise or offer services and find potential new customers, the number of professionals and enterprises developing their website is constantly increasing. The deployment of a website is however very complex and involves a lot of details. On this subject, I will explain 3 elements you must always keep in mind:


  • Information should be prioritized according to your professional goals (develop notoriety, inform, sell products or services, etc.)
  • The communication tone can vary depending on your brand’s personality but a friendly and simple style is always recommended.
  • Clear contents will always be appreciated by your readers. Use one main idea per paragraph and hyperlinks when your documentation is too long or detailed.
  • Organize your themes with titles, subtitles and lists so your visitors can find the information they are looking for.
  • Updating your contents frequently is a good practice to keep your readers interested and improve your natural referencing (SEO: Search Engine Optimisation).

2. Aesthetics and ergonomics

  •  The choice of colors, fonts, and general image must reflect your brand’s image. They must be consistent with your other marketing tools (business cards, pamphlets, and social networks).
  • Using intuitive menus and icons will make the navigation more user-friendly and improve the user experience.
  • A responsive design will ensure that your website’s layout adjusts to tablets and smartphones.


3. Speed of display

  • Optimizing your images by reducing their size will improve the display speed of your website.
  • Using web-friendly formats like .PNG, .JPG or .GIF will also improve the display speed of your page.
  • The unnecessary use of videos is not advised.
  • It is well-known that web surfers are impatient and will quickly leave a slow website. The display time of your website should not exceed 4 seconds.

The technology and behavior of consumers are constantly evolving on the Internet. Your web page is at risk of becoming obsolete if you do not monitor it frequently. Take some time to make sure your website’s contents, design, ergonomics and display speed follow current trends to get the best from this marketing tool.