You finally decided to create your enterprise’s profile on social networks. You are convinced of the importance to be there and trust this new channel. However, you might not know where to start and want a little guidance. Here is a list to help you have a good start on social media:

  1. Make sure your brand image is adapted to social networks. Make sure you use the proper image sizes and different versions for each profile type. Avoid busy designs or background images with too many elements.
  2. Use keywords related to your activities to establish a publication calendar and share contents promoting your expertise. Use every contact with your customers to bring them closer to your brand.
  3. Make updates frequently. Be consistent and creative in your publications. Avoid publishing the same messages twice; rewrite them!
  4. Use a broad variety of content: images and videos are very popular on social networks.
  5. Avoid unidirectional communication, participate in your community’s discussions. Interact with them: like, comment and share their information. It will help you build a relationship with them.
  6. Use performance indicators to test your management. Which users are the most active? Which content have the most interactions? On which day is the community more active? Change your contents and schedule and test again, it is free! 🙂
  7. Keep an eye on your competition! Monitor their activity and the community’s reaction. Use this information as a self-evaluation and to find new opportunities for your enterprise.

In conclusion, keep your business goal in mind and don’t forget you are forging a relationship with your customers. It is important to show your human side and add value for your users. You must be patient and persistent in this process. As soon as you have a loyal community your brand will surf on a wave of success. Good luck!